Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 18th—London

Excellent evening of beer and curry. Just like being back at university except my friends seem older and the beer is more expensive.
Museum of London yesterday with much good cultural background for the novel.
A short stop on the way home was the Petrie Museum of Archaeology. It's part of University College London and was started by old Flinders himself. Awesome place, like somewhere out of the Victorian era. When you go round the cabinets, they give you a torch because the lighting's so bad!
The day's highlight was also at University College—a wax model of Jeremy Bentham, the reformer. He donated his body to science and requested that it be displayed. They couldn't preserve him and the head became too gruesome, so they built a model around his skeleton and put a wax head on top (the hair is real). The head is in storage in the basement. On special university occasions, they take Jeremy out and sit him as a no-voting member of the board! What a weird country this is.

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